06 Mar Job Options for Foreign Students in Canada
Job Options for Foreign Students in Canada
The finest occupations in Canada for students to sustain themselves financially.
International students with a current study visa in Canada will be permitted to work an unrestricted number of hours for the academic year beginning on November 15, 2022, and continuing through the end of 2023.
High-paying part-time positions Teaching assistants (TA): Average hourly wage is $23 CAD.
Given that most TA positions are only available to students, this is one of the easiest roles to obtain. TA positions are helpful because they give students the chance to become fully immersed in their subject matter and gain teaching experience, which is particularly beneficial for those wishing to work in academia. Also, while being able to work and support oneself, this might be a fantastic opportunity to collaborate closely with a particular professor or faculty. TA positions are practical since they frequently arise on university or college campuses, saving students money and time on travel.
Typical salary for servers, bartenders, and mixologists is $16 CAD/hour plus tips.
Serving/bartending offers for a great degree of flexibility in picking work hours for overseas students of working age, as well as a significant income boost (depending on hours worked and attractiveness of business) due of tips. Pre-tax tipping rates in Canada are typically between 15 and 18%, thus students working more than 20 hours a week could make an additional $200–400 in tips, with many reporting higher amounts.
Driver for ride-sharing services: $19 CAD/hour on average
In student areas, ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft are widely used (Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, etc.). Students must be at least 21 years old, possess a valid driver’s licence, a reliable vehicle, and a smartphone in order to be eligible. The position offers students the unique ability to choose their own work schedule and to put in as much or as little time as their schedules allow.
The length and distance of the rides that drivers drive, as well as the number of rides they clear each week, can have a significant impact on their earnings.
$23 CAD/hour on average for freelancers
Becoming a freelancer, a broad career category that includes a variety of jobs, can provide students with a number of choices, including flexible work hours and the freedom to set their own pricing. A fantastic way to build a reputation and work in a field or career that interests you is to freelance. For those who are ambitious enough to pursue this career route while pursuing their studies, freelancing offers a variety of professional avenues, even though it might be difficult at first when students initially establish themselves and attract more customers.
Materials to aid in the hunt
The following sites can be used to help with that search, regardless of whether students are interested in pursuing any of the aforementioned positions or they wish to keep investigating their employment options:
A thorough tool that retrieves information from both public and private job advertising portals is the CanadaVisa Employment Search Tool;
- Linkedin, a networking site that combines job ads from throughout the internet, is a convenient place to start a job search;
- Indeed, a global job board with millions of job listings;
- JobBank.ca is the official job board that the Canadian government maintains and updates;
- Workopolis is a job board that offers services for finding employment in both English and French.
- A dedicated online job board called TalentEgg for students and new graduates;
- LeapGrad, a relatively new network designed to link students and recent graduates with firms who are hiring, and Magnet, a non-profit platform that connects Canadian workers with opportunities;
Don't forget
Pay, working circumstances, and immigration issues are three crucial aspects that should be closely monitored as international students progress through their education.
Canada voted to introduce a new federal minimum wage policy on April 1, 2022, boosting the national minimum wage to $15.55 CAD/hour with the promise of inflation-based increases in the future. Outside of particular job agreements like Co-op roles, international students should make sure that their pay are at least comparable to this amount.
International students should also be aware that they enjoy the same labour rights as Canadian citizens and permanent residents as temporary foreign employees in Canada. International students have the legal right to denounce their employers to the proper authorities if they discover that they are violating any of their employees’ rights.
Also, international students should be aware of the requirements necessary to obtain a Post Graduate Work Permit (PGWP), which would allow them to continue working and maybe move to Canada. In particular, international students must continue to be enrolled full-time throughout their studies. In light of the fact that overseas students are now permitted to work full-time hours throughout academic semesters, this is one of the most crucial requirements for earning a PGWP and should be properly followed. International graduates who apply for a PGWP prior to the expiration of their study permit are qualified to work full-time under maintained status until their application is approved.
Last but not least, international students should be aware that any job completed while enrolled full-time in school prior to graduation does not contribute towards immigration eligibility (since the majority of streams require at least one year of full-time work experience). Because of this, the PGWP is absolutely essential for students who want to live permanently in Canada.
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